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Chief Data Officers

Celebrus for data leaders

Celebrus Chief Data Officers

"The decision to extend the use of Celebrus across the organization was based on the flexibility, agility and actionability of the real-time granular data and tagging-free nature of the technology."

Your role as CDO is pivotal to the success of your organization.

Set your team up for success. Data-centric organizations can effectively capture first-party data across all digital platforms, while democratizing it among business units. Celebrus ensures adherence to compliance standards and regulatory requirements, reducing overall commercial risk.


Complex architecture. Simple solution.

Eliminate internal data silos

Connect data in parallel to multiple target databases or systems, providing a single source of truth.

Capture the data you need

Gather interactions, experiences, and behaviors across all digital channels and devices without the expense and limitations of tagging.

Create a single customer view

Utilize the out-of-the-box Celebrus data model to connect data across existing channels to rapidly create an omni-channel single customer view.

Optimize workforce efficiency

Slash time spent wrangling data – free your team to spend more time extracting valuable insights from our extensible-out-of-the-box data model.

Realize positive ROI

Turn actionable insights into revenue growth with enhanced data-led strategy.

Leverage cloud technologies

Celebrus is cloud-ready with OOTB integrations and deployment options for AWS, Azure, Google, and others.


Secure and compliant

Eliminate the threat of non-compliance. Dynamically control data collection in real-time to conform to changes in customer consent made across website and mobile apps to ensure compliance to data privacy compliance standards like GDPR, CPRA, and LGPD.

Celebrus is built to scale with your organization, ensuring first-party data is captured, contextualized, and activated in compliance (to ISO27001 standards) with evolving regulations.


Data technologies built to scale

Save time and frustration with a solution built to adapt to growing business infrastructure needs. Deployed with one single line of code, Celebrus eliminates countless hours of custom ETL solutions engineering with an OOTB data model available for instant use.

“The prime selling point for this system is that it is so flexible. We have implemented the software with the confidence that any future changes won’t result in our having to spend weeks of development time changing the configuration of the system.”

Video: A CDO's Perspective on Data-Driven Transformation

Additional Resources


Case Study

How first-party, tag-free data capture increased conversion by 24% for a leading European health insurer.


Case Study

How a multinational retail bank reduced the time it takes to deploy personalization by 85% using Celebrus.