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Missed Celebrus at PegaWorld iNspire?

No worries - you can still book a meeting with our team to discuss data strategy!


50% of consumers walk away from brands after one bad encounter – this makes your investment in a decisioning platform even more important. But a decisioning platform without better digital data is destined to underdeliver on its promise. You’re probably frustrated with fragmented digital identity/profiles, a lack of structured digital data to bring into Pega CDH, the lack of real-time data availability, or a combination of all three. We see this time and again, and the cure to your frustrations is Celebrus. Together with Pega, we’re proven around the globe to unlock the potential of your decisioning program. Every single frustration and shortcoming of digital identity and data will immediately disappear – and we can deploy in weeks, not months. Let’s build better encounters together. 

Request your meeting now:

Unlock your data with Celebrus + Pega Always-On Insights

Pegasystems offers great decision-making tools, but data is key. Your decisioning platform is only as powerful as the quality and speed of data it gets. Celebrus captures comprehensive customer data instantly, with no tagging, to power Pega and personalize experiences for every customer, all while following privacy regulations.

Learn more about Pega & Celebrus


Celebrus & Pega CDH

Feed the Pega brain with the highest quality customer identity and journey data.


The value of Celebrus to Pega clients

Learn how Celebrus enhances Pega decisioning.


Always-On Insights

Learn about Always-On Insights, a joint solution from Celebrus and Pega